A downloadable game for Windows

After learning that she had come to school with smudged makeup, perfectionist and Gyaru fashion aficionado Hoshi Morimoto, has a mental breakdown.

She finds herself trapped within a nightmarish version of her rural hometown. Abandoned streets, portals to buildings in different dimensions, deranged teenagers affected by some strange ‘Choking Game’, and a mysterious light in the distant forest that watches her every movement. Hoshi attempts to escape from the new twisted world she finds herself in.  But the golden light emitting from the outskirts of the town, compels her to stay…


• A nostalgic artstyle

• Classic survival horror gameplay with fixed camera angles

• Warp the world around you to explore new paths and discover secrets by holding your breath.

• Exploration in abandoned high school grounds and otherworldly locations

• Fully voice acted characters and cutscenes

• Fight off twisted versions of the town’s residents while actively managing the charge on your taser.

• Look through the environment for unique items and any notes the town’s citizens left behind.

This game is intended for mature audiences and may not contain content suitable for all ages. Depictions of violence, mature themes, and self mutilation by asphyxiation may be present within the game.

Check out the game's soundtrack!

Join the game's discord server!


Wishlist the game on steam! 

Provided by Streetlight Studio. Follow us on Twitter for more updates!


KanpekiDemo1.5.zip 267 MB

Development log


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this game is actually super super cool but i think the dialogue for the main character needs to be worked out a bit, particularly the line "this mascara just came out 3 days ago!" as someone who is heavily into makeup... thats not how that works. it took me out of it a bit, also the walking and running anims need to be tweaked and needs camera work. otherwise pretty awesome. as a vain self obsessed girl who actually talks like that if you need consultation with the dialogue lmk, also i realize it's supposed to be campy but it just needs to be a bit more clever with it imo. sounds like im hating a bit too much but its only because this game is so up my alley id love to see it fully fleshed out

Hey, thank you very much for the feedback. This demo is getting old and some stuff have changed but we're definitely down to have you consult the futur dialogues of the game.

Add me on discord (wiloux_) and I'll let you know when we have stuff ready to show you :)

Imma play this game. Give me a day or two... I'll be back

(1 edit)

Haha okay! Good news. I suggest you try the steam demo instead.

🤝 Got it.

(1 edit)

I loved this demo and it really scratched my oldschool PSX-style horror itch I always seem to have. I will be following along with dev updates and can't wait to see what comes from the title. Thanks for a fun play--here's my stream if anyone is interested!

(3 edits)

I'm glad you've liked it! :D

Watched all of it. Seeing the game through your lens was a lot of fun.I genuinely laughed a few times.

(1 edit)

Had this installed for ages but only just got around to playing it, I absolutely loved this demo. It's a really interesting concept for a survival horror game, which is what drew my attention in the first place, and you've created some really effective atmosphere. Love the design of the school environment and the character models are really good, plus excellent sound design. Enemies were a bit inconsistent with respawning, some of them only respawned after I saved and some of them respawned as soon as I re-entered the room they were in, but combat was pretty easy to get the hang of. Can't say it was really scary but it was definitely unsettling, especially with all the random camera flashes and seeing the world distort when using the breathing mechanic. Really really enjoyed playing this and I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the full game. 

P.S. Please tell me Mochi will come back in the full game! I am now deeply attached to this kitty and I'm very upset that she didn't follow me out of the school and I just want to make sure she's ok!

Edit: So just went back and found the dev room, that was a neat little extra to include, looking forward to seeing what else you all come out with.


Thank you so much for this comment, it was very unexpected! The demo has been out for a while now and I'm glad some people still enjoy it. 

Still working on the game, don't worry Mochi will D E F I N I T E L Y have a bigger impact on the story (:

The enemies respawn issue was already worked on, I talk about it here if you want.

So happy you've found the dev room!!


Don't worry, the cat will never be taken out of the game, he is way too puke :3

Ahoy hoy, is there any change you could include a Linux build in the next release; I am having difficulties trying to get Kanpeki.exe to behave on a linux machine.

Sure, I'll look it up!

Thank you, I appreciate that


My name is Camila, I'd be very happy to translate your demo of Kanpeki in Italian and/or LatAm Spanish for free, as I'm building my portfolio!

I'm a Game Localization Specialist and I already translated a couple of indie games and I'm working on another translation right now.

If you're interested, let me know! :)

Thank you!

Hey! Sure I'd love to. Do you have discord so we could talk about it?

Sure! Add me ^^ This is my ID: Camila T#1784
Thank you so much!

This is a really cool idea! I lvoe the Ps1 style and the old horror game feel to this game! It feels like an old horror game that no one new about! 
Excited for the full game! 

Thank you for trying out the demo. I love watching people play the game it gives me strength to continue working on the project! Your let's play was very cool, kanpeki desu!!

This was really cool! Really interesting ideas and well executed. Any idea when the full game will release? I just finished the demo and am very excited for it!

Hey! I'm so happy you liked the demo! You might have to wait a while for a full release, the team has shrunk a lot but we're trying our best!!

Thanks for the game it was really good! love to play it more when its done! 

Glad you liked it! Cute avatars!

Thank you ^ // ^

Glad to see you're still working on the game. It loosk like it's shaping up well!

Hey thanks for the kind words! I still post the progress of the game on the discord server, anything I produce is posted over there, in it's raw, unfinished form lol. Feel free to check it out, It's too quiet atm!!

Tried out the demo for a video a few months ago and never got around to posting it, had some trouble progressing the gameplay here and there but overall I really enjoyed the setting and visuals, it had a great feel to it. Glad I checked it out :)

I'm not too sure but I think I've seen your video a whiiiile ago. Thanks for checking the game out :)


- Unique reload system that adds tension to combat encounters.

- Interesting asphyxiation mechanic which I think has a lot of potential for the story.

- Good use of certain fixed camera angles for effective jumpscares.


- The visuals, while it evokes a retro and nostalgic style, don't do much in terms of building the atmosphere for me.

- The health item/soda system has the clever effect of making sure players are never soft locked because they will always have full healing items on any save file. But on the other hand, it also lowers tension and disincentivizes players from exploring because there isn't any real gameplay benefits from doing so, considering there are unlimited tazer ammo and no health items outside of the save room. Though this is just a preference thing.


- A lot of the camera placement are incredibly disorienting. I would constantly move forward only to be turned around because the cameras are placed at awkward angles which is frustrating during combat encounters. It also makes navigating the map very confusing, as I would often lose track of where exactly I am. My suggestion would be to make the camera placements and transitions more seamless, or add a classic RE/SH tank control option.

- The asphyxiation mechanic, while interesting conceptually, doesn't really make sense in practice to me. I just can't see why the character has to hold her breath to climb over a desk or how it allows her to predict where the teleporting guy will appear. Maybe once the story is fleshed out it will make more sense, but right now it seems a bit contrived.

Overall, this demo shows potential and I would really like to see more interesting gameplay scenarios and where the story goes in the full game.

Hey! Thank you for the lengthy review and sorry for the late response!

I think the things you've said are fair and make sense. Some has already been worked on. I just hope the solutions I've found will be interesting.

Thanks again for the feedback.

About the asphxiation mechanic, it's talked about as a part of a game people were playing that they'd hold their breath until they grew light-headed and started to hallucinate, which seems to allow you to see deeper into the super-natural realm in Kanpeki. It's not really explained much in the demo but it is super early.


I want to teleport, too

Hold your breath to predict his next location!


Love the art style and gameplay. Really reminded me of old RE/Biohazard! Still a bit confused about the story though but then again it's still a demo haha Would love to play the full game when it comes out!


Great video! Thanks for the feedback. :)


wgy is the intro 10 fucking hours

Watched ManlyBadassHero play this on youtube and it looks great. I love the MC. Can't wait to play it myself when it's out.

Yay! Amazing news.

Deleted 89 days ago

Woah! thank you so much!

Honestly this was the most fun i think i had in a horror game in a while. Huge RESident evil 2 fan so with the more updated tank controls i felt just at home. I had a weird bug with the cat near the last 10 mins of the video. However due to the fun i had It didnt expect my experience but its a bug that good to know exist. *plus made the cat a super fun part of my video. Great relaxing time when i wasn't screaming lol"


Amazing! I'm so glad you liked the game so much!! Thanks for the feedback, we'll investigate the cat bug.I'll check out the video soon!

no worries. Let me know if you need help or would like to know more details. I made it clear in the video for sure but i dont expect you to go through all of that. (so let me know if you need a written explanation of what i experienced) Thank you once again for such a fun game

The bug is fixed! The team couldn't figure out why this bug happened tbh. Good thinking it was the cat, thanks!Stream polite looking cat <3 by Z-Rocha! | Listen online for free on  SoundCloud

Lol truly amazing looking forward to buying the game when you put the full version <3


(1 edit)

The game has some very interesting ideas, I really enjoy the retro graphics, camera angles could be better but they're nostalgic, the sound/ voice acting is superb, and I love the hidden things you have to choke yourself to see!

I see a lot of inspriration taken from games like resident evil here, but same as I said when I was a teen playing RE for the first time, these controls suck. Especially with mouse and keyboard, never in a million years did I think anyone would want to make tank controls on m&k. I think once controller support is added, I think itd be a bit better, but I still wouldnt be a fan of the tank controls lol.

Now that I've gotten my biggest complaint out of the way, I didnt really enjoy the reload system. Its alright and I could get used to it with a longer playthrough, but i think the fact it still locks up even if you just didnt hit it is a bit odd. Im pretty sure a couple times it loaded with the crank so close to the zone I would have been better off hitting immediately.

The spin of having to actually choke yourself to see the hidden bits is a really neat mechanic and appreciated that it provided guidance as well of where I needed to go, because I was so lost at the beginning on what I needed to do. I never tested it but I think even further if enemies might go passive or disappear would be cool too, but that might just be me not wanting to hear those laughing crazy girls again lol!

I know this is only a demo, but I do hope the full game touches on everyone suddenly turning into zombies and the mall shop portal thing that pops up. I see the description saying Hoshi had a mental breakdown, but it just seems like another day to her; It felt a bit unimmersive for all these odd things to be happening around and Hoshi not acknowledging them in the slightest.

Lastly, I also encounted a game ending bug. When I tried to enter the store right outside the school, it just went black screen and nothing else happened. Was left to only force close the game because the menu wouldnt even pop up.

Sorry for the essay, but you guys have obviously put so much love and effort into this game, I really want to see it improved and check out the full game in the future, but I also dont want to be frustrated while playing it and I'm sure you dont want to frustrate your players either. I hope you enjoy the video! Also wishlisted!


Hey, I'm sorry you had to encounter a bug that ended your playthrough.

Thanks for putting so much time into trying to improve Kanpeki and giving us feedback, most of the things you've said in your video and in this comment makes sense to me, feels fair and will be changed in the final game. We're currently working on changing the controls to something more similar to PS2 titles such as Fatal Frame for the steam release of the demo. If you have the time, let us know what you think of these controls when the demo gets out!

Loved the video!



love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Just finished it.. really, really cool.. the taser management is so anxiety inducing (in a great way - for a game like this!). Super keen on the full version. Waving hello from all the way in Australia!


So glad you loved the reload mechanic, it had the intended effect on you!!

Hello from france!

Quite unique and intriguing story and I do love the psychological double edge of the "choking game" mechanic.


Glad you find the story interesting!

Loved the video's thumbnail!

I'm very flattered that it caught your eye.

Show post...

his demo??

This is solid, love the artstyle & game mechanics. It reminds me of the older horror indie games.

Thanks! Exactly the vibe we were going for!

Wow, this is really good! I love everything about it so far. Oh, except that the enemies respawn when you go back to their rooms/areas. Unless it's supposed to be like that for some reason. But I'll definitely be getting the full version when it's ready. Thanks!


Cool video!

Took notes of your feedback.Thank you Jason. :^)

Dev. Lemme be honest with you. This is one of the best itchio indie horror games I've played. I can't wait to play the full game! Ladies and gentlemen, take it from me, THIS IS A ABSOLUTE FUCKING MUST PLAY!

Thank you so much! :^)

Hello.I have a question. Why is there Chinese beside the mirror in the toilet where I just entered the game? Shouldn't the setting of the game be a Japanese university? Although the sign was vague, I did see the outline of Chinese.

Hey! The dev team is very small and mostly european. It's totally possible that we might have made mistakes. Oops! It will be fixed in the final game for sure!

Deleted 1 year ago

Itchigo is on one of the posters, good job spotting him lol!



Thanks for the demo and congratulations on the beautiful game. Brazilians love games in this style, I know it's difficult, but it would be great if there were subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. A hug friends!

We'll try to translate the final game in as many languages as possible!

It would be fantastic, thanks for the effort!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Waiting for the full release


Oh.. Uhm.. hi.. you're pretty close..👉👈

We'll do our best!

Typically, I wouldn't fare well with games with these types of movement mechanics. However, it was implemented decently well that it wasn't majorly frustrating to go through the map. Other than that, the plot of the eye light was interesting as well as the choking mechanic.

(1 edit) (+1)

Bahahaha WHAT A THUMBNAIL 10/10!

Thanks for the feedback! You are part of the few ones that liked the controls!

I don't like the mouse controls everything else is good



Very interesting demo! Whilst the combat is a little janky, I like the visuals, the premise and the overall style of the game. Will definitely keep my eyes out for updates!


my antivirus dont let me play the game :(



Super cool game, great atmosphere reminds me of silent hill style plus fatal frame or something like that. ->

Hey thank you for playing!

I love fatal frame! I wonder what element of the game made you think of it? :)

Haha, certainly couldn't be the schoolgirl protag in a horror setting :).


Already waiting for an apple version to play on my mac, looks super cool!! <


is funny but i did'nt can play it beaucouse i don't have a driver graphics


thank you for such an interesting demo featuring japan. as a japanese person, it was both nostalgic and new experience. those 90s gals are becoming trendy again in 2022 i suppose. i have added my original japanese translation to my video.i think there will be more players from japan if there's japanese language option.

there are few things i would like to share about this game. honestly speaking, i didn't enjoy the control at all. rotating Hoshi using a mouse was really difficult. i wish I could use a controller instead for this type of retro vibe game. it brings better nostalgic vibe in my opinion.

anyways, good luck to everyone and hoping for the full release.

(1 edit)

Thank you for taking the time to translate the game <3

We've been trying to add an actual japanese person to the team, for translation and cultural accuracy. But we've had a very hard time meeting japanese people.. We don't even know where to start, would you have any tips to share? We were suprised that so many japanese people were interested in the game. A japanese translation will be part of the full game for sure.

Thanks for the feedback! We will work on controller support!

Hello Wiloux

Thank you for responding to my comment. If you are interested in more about the localization, please check your DM on Twitter. I’ve sent you a message regarding the localization.


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